Originally Posted by Nyororin
I didn`t think that it was directed at me, as I have never supported whaling and never cited tradition as a reason to continue it.
You did rubbish my suggestion that Japan return to traditional whaling practices if it was truly about tradition
Originally Posted by Nyororin
But it would definitely be a start to push to make them rule against whaling altogether, in my opinion.
Well what do you think the anti-whaling group have been trying to do?
Originally Posted by Nyororin
Norway takes as many whales as Japan, in a completely commercial capacity. They`ve supposedly said that they would continue no matter what, have been pushing every year to take even more whales, etc. Iceland takes about half? If I recall correctly.
Japan gets all the publicity. Painting Japan as an enemy is a whole lot easier than doing the same to Norway, and various groups have stated this.
If people are against whaling, they should be against whaling - not against whaling if Japan is doing it.
Well fine.. I'm against Norway and Iceland too.
Japan hunts in close proximity to New Zealand and Australia and we are the most vocal anti-whaling nations out there. So perhaps it's simply a matter of geography on a governmental level why Japan is the target here.