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samurai007 (Offline)
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02-11-2009, 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by Tenchu View Post
I think you did make those comments, but perhaps unintentionally (I actually wasn't directing the "get loved" at you, it was a generalization, sorry it came out that way).

You say no use of violence, but the first stone has already been thrown; they are useing violence on the whales. That may sound a little hippy, but it is true. I am not about to go about hunting down beef slaughter factories and attacking the facilities or people or whatever, but when you have an organization with no respect for international law, no respect for nature or the fact they're endangered species, and our governments are too weak to stop them, why not use violence?

That you'd say that violence was inappropriate, to me, sounds like you don't appreciate the value of these animals.

What is so bad about violence? We are a violent species, it is in our nature. It is not like they're trying to hurt people, just the equiptment and the organizations reputation, so it is only moderate force, anyway.

I don't see any problem with it.
So, since you (and Ronin) seem to be ok with violence since "they did it first against something else", I suppose you both would have no problem at all with people who bomb abortion clinics or murder doctors who perform abortions. After all, they "started the violence" against innocent unborn children, and the legal efforts to outlaw abortion are stalled in red tape and political bickering while more innocent babies are killed every day, so you would excuse their extreme actions (which some might label "terrorism") too, right?

Or how about if PETA or the Animal Liberation Front murdered doctors who perform animal testing for vaccines that may cure deadly human diseases? More animals, such as lab rats and monkeys, keep dying, so anything they do to stop it is ok with you, right?

And in the same vein, how about those doctors experimenting using embryonic stem cells from destroyed human babies?

Or farmers who raise beef cattle, chickens, pigs, etc for human consumption?

Oh, the list just goes on and on... do you support violent action in all these cases and more because "they started the violence against animals/fetuses/whatever"?

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