Originally Posted by Tenchu
Well, actually, they are. If you gave a fu*k you could Google it and find out for yourself.
It is not the first time, either. It has almost happened previously, whale extinction, from commercial whaleing. Thankfully, we passed bans and restraints. The worrying thing is now Japan has no respect for these laws. How far will it go in a lawless world?
Talking on forums is pointless to the actual cause. But to those who take part, they'll learn a lot. If you don't want to learn anything then don't bother to post. No one wants to hear someone talking to themselves...
First off, you don't have to get on the defensive and start attacking people. I said nothing hostile to you so I'd appreciate it if you'd watch your mouth. If I didn't care at all I wouldn't have looked at the forum post in the first place. I read the posts from the other pages. From you and the other people and I'm pretty sure that I saw it mentioned more than once that they were abiding within those guidelines when it came to hunting them to extinction. I also said if they are, then that's just wrong. Don't quote a single part of my statement and then use it to get pissy. I also didn't say that talking about this or educating people about it was pointless, but that ARGUING isn't going to fix it. Instead of snapping at people and waving your e-penis around, how about directing people to ways they can help? Writing letters to certain officials, a site that needs help with donations to the cause, things like that. There are more productive ways to make a point.