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Cheap Good Electric Guitars - 02-12-2009, 05:34 PM

I'm looking for some cheap electric guitars, possibly around 200$ but can go to 300$ as well.

I've checked for around a month, and I got these:

Epiphone Les Paul Special 2 -

Squirer Stratocaster -

Yamaha Pacifica -

The 3 of them have different color sets, I would get the black color, the pictures are just for reference.

The 2 last ones look alike because both are based by the original Fender Stratocaster.

Epiphone is based on Gibson Les Paul guitar and is owned by Gibson itself.
Squirer is owned by Fender itself as well.

I need a suggestion which to get because I've had various people picking only by their look, name popularity (Les Paul, but the popular Les Pauls are Gibson ones, not Epiphones) etc. I need to know which is better.

Of course for the kind of hard rock songs, metal and such.

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?
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