Hello from Lithuania!
My name is Andrej, I'm russian, but I was born in Lithuania.
First of all, I would like to say sorry for my English [it isn't good...]
I'm looking for the people from other countries who may help me.
Actually, I'm doing a surprise for my girlfriend. And now I'll try to explain you what kind of surprise it is.
I have some lovely words to say for her (two sentences = ~16 words). And I'm trying to find people from 16 countries. There would be 16 photos. Each from different country, on each photo there should be somebody (one or more humans, maybe a group of friends, or just a guy/girl), who is holding a piece of paper with one word written on it. smile
I know, that it is hard to understand what do I want... my English is bad.
For today, I have photos with words from Russia, Spain, Budapest, Boston(USA), London... but I need some more, so I decided to ask you if someone could help me. It would be really great!
Here you can look at the example of how it looks:
If someone could help, then wright me please and I will explain everything in details.