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(#82 (permalink))
Zitler (Offline)
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Join Date: Feb 2009
My opinion. - 02-14-2009, 07:49 PM

Hi there!!!!

Well..This is a delicate subject..

I just wanted to express my opinion...

I know the culture of the Asian world, Ive in in Japan a few times, and its ok to eat fish... I believe the problem is based on the fact of the amount of fish & Whales hunted...

Its not like eating Cows or chickens, the are grown to be eaten and eating them has no impact in the today's polluted and wasted world.

But...with the whale is different, it is not an unlimited resource and they only give birth to a child at a time.

Last but not least, In don't think it be fair that only some countries in all the world fish and harvest and waste the Oceans that are property of all mankind.

See it this way. ¿have you the right to exterminate the Whales, White Shark or other species?.

I know your population has grown to fast. Congratulations to your great country, but you are putting far to much pressure on the seas.

Lastly...I Will introduce myself.
I am form Argentina, yes, yes, very far away form your nice country.....and...time to time one of your Killing machines appears hunting our resources , inside our territorial waters. We have a natural reserve for whales and we have polices that are letting the Franca Austral Whale to recover........ So...Why Our country of only 35M people really take care of not exterminate them and you came here to hunt them?.

Its understandable that you government want to feed the people...but, At what cost? Wont be much fair If you just rise you own whales?

Just my thoughts.

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