Originally Posted by Altaru
I've seen plenty of incredible American cosplayers. It's just that they never tend to end up in threads like this.
I'm wondering why? [/sarcasm]
Okay, so my initial post was a little dramatic-- but all "[/sarcasm]" aside I was pretty much just commenting on people who wear foam outfits of characters in played-out manga.
Originally Posted by GregFromScotland
- It's a girl cosplayer
- Guy's only suit uniforms.
- Westerners can cosplay IF they make a costume that compliments them individually. Just choosing any character leads to fails.
- Go for a uniform that hasn't been done loads of times before. Dragonball being one of the most over-done cosplays in japan.
It shall be written in stone!
And just for kicks and giggles here is a really awesome
AMERICAN cosplayer.