02-15-2009, 07:49 AM
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unless you are a savant, you WILL NOT learn Japanese unless
(1) You take frequent classes; and/or
(2) You live in Japan.
I'm proof that you don't need to live in Japan to attain a high degree of fluency. I lived in Japan for a year, but I could have easily passed the JLPT-3 and possibly the JLPT-2 (less about 200-300 kanji) without setting foot on the island. However, I spent 6 hours a week in class for two years, and also 3 hours a week outside of class in a conversation club speaking with native Japanese speakers.
Of course, after living in Japan for a year, the JLPT-2 would be a joke and I'm always perpetually in JLPT-1 range (but have slacked on my kanji studies to the tune of "never" for the past couple years and have stagnated around 1500 kanji, and maybe even have lost the command of a couple hundred!).
Now if only the JLPT were offered anywhere near Texas I might actually take it. But until that day comes, I shall remain "poor grad student with no JLPT credentials."
The point is, take the damn uni classes. Without them, you'll never speak it (unless you're going to move to Japan next).