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Naoko (Offline)
Evil Muffin 奈央子
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Location: Illinois, USA
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02-15-2009, 06:05 PM

It's not just because of the complexity...but seriously depending on what part of the US you are in, it's simply harder to find what you need and it has nothing to do with how vast or lacking your pockets are. I live in the US as well. Some of each time zone, lol. I find that what you want when it comes to import goods or finding more variety is easier on the coastline states than on the inland. Also, if you want to go back to the money subject, that in itself really is a deterrent for some people. It's not so much what you're "willing" to pay so much as what you have "available" period.

外人警報発令中!!!! ヽ(`Д')ノ
My Japanese still sucks. Feel free to correct me! Any constructive criticism is appreciated.((どうも、ナゴナゴさん!!))
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