Help a girl out with a translation? -
02-16-2009, 05:02 AM
Okay, I'm planning to study abroad in Japan starting in fall, so I've been looking around for a part time job. I just got an email back from a modeling agency (like an idiot, I asked my teacher to help me translate one of my english emails to them into Japanese, thinking "hey, I can show them I'm not a totally useless foreigner!"... bad idea) and the kanji and the FORMALITY of everything is just so... it hurts my poor little brain. T______T If there's anybody willing, could you please help me translate this email? Thank you so much. (Clearly my clever plan failed...)
来日する1週間前頃にご連絡くだされば、登録に関する 事や日本のモデル業の流れの詳細等を準備致しますので
もし2、3枚お写真があればこのメールアドレスへ送っ てください。登録の際、事務所へ来て頂いたて
Brittanyさんのモデルコンポジットを作成しますので、そ� ��際に写真をデータでお渡しください。
(又、オーディション用に色々なイメージ写真を都内の スタジオで撮影する場合もあります)
thnak you,
If you want, I can show you the other email that this is in response to, but basically it just asks if I should send them photos now, or closer to when I'm due to arrive in Japan (September), how many pictures, and also offering to go to a studio/agency in Hawaii or Las Vegas if they have a branch in either of those places. Um. Yes. Help. T_T