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02-16-2009, 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by Miyavifan View Post
It wasn't MTV who gave them the award, it was us, their fans. Their fans won them the award.

And it was (and I daresay still is) one of the happiest days of our lives, that day.

Knowing we pulled through for them.

(and yes, that is pride you hear in my words)
You didn't get why I replied the MTV comparison. You can't compare Metallica and Tokio Hotel. Best Rock band? Rock has hundreds of subgenres, is MTV saying Tokio Hotel's genre (whatever it is, emo, pop punk) is better than metal?

I'd say compare them at what they have done for their genre, TH are just a new band, Metallica redefined their genre. Tokio hotel won because of fangirls voting for the main guy. I've encountered lots of 14 year old girls who say "I'm gonna marry Bill" and "eww James Hetfield is so old", nothing relevant to the music. The voting was 80% for the looks, not music.

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?
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