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Join Date: Jul 2008
02-17-2009, 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by LolaElectrique
At first VK was something really unique and original - now all the VK bands look the same, and have the same music style, it's kinda becoming really boring.
I respect some artists for doing their own thing, like Miyavi with Neovisualizm and Gackt is just beyond being a typical artist, but come on, all the Peace&Smile Company bands look and sound the same to me (the GazettE, ScreW..) Maybe it's because they all have the same hair and makeup artists.. And then there's the Versailles-type bands like Chariots....to me, they just look exactly like each other. I know VK is a style shared by all of them but there is a lack of originality within the genre.
Nowadays it seems that a band can become really popular just for how they look whether or not their music is good.
That's how I feel anyway - a change is in order.
PS Company's good at raping bands. i love GazE, but cannot stand everyone else signed to PSC (except for Myv)
Gackt sold his talent to commercialism
and poser VK bands are popping out everywhere like rabbit poop