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Nyororin (Offline)
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02-17-2009, 06:51 AM

I was always under the impression that once you had the prerequisites the program didn`t look much further. And also that most people who apply do not get accepted.

Unless they came out and said he was overqualified, chances are he was just not selected via their lottery. It`s life. Deal with it. Not everything goes as plans.

It`s kind of funny because it seems that everyone who doesn`t get accepted into JET decides that they were discriminated against somehow. If they speak Japanese - it`s because of that. If they don`t speak Japanese - it`s because of that. If they`ve been to Japan on vacation, that`s the reason... But yet if they have never visited Japan - that must be why.
I`ve even hear people moan and groan that the reason they weren`t accepted over someone else was because they didn`t drive a Japanese car to the test site while the other person did.

When there are more applicants than positions, some people aren`t going to get in. Are you trying to say your friend should get special treatment because they have skills that aren`t required or considered in the selection process? Seems a bit silly.

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