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Naoko (Offline)
Evil Muffin 奈央子
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02-17-2009, 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by biginjapan View Post
My buddy was just refused from JET. I studied with him in Japan and he speaks fluent Japanese. He also already has experience teaching students there because it was part of his volunteer work for one of the classes he attended.

I think its major bullshit that JET would rather get people who know little about the country and speak zero Japanese. Does anyone know the reason for this? And is it just JET that is like this or do other companies prefer to hire less qualified applicants?
Unless you're leaving out information, I don't see anything that shows he is qualified at all actually.

10. Not have lived in Japan for three or more years in total since 2000.
14. Hold at least a Bachelor’s degree or obtain one by the departure date (See Note 2), or be qualified to teach at primary/elementary or secondary schools or obtain such qualifications by the departure date.

Two of the big ones right there. You said he's already been there. Do you know how long? He also has lots of knowledge already according to do know the program is designed to give the rest of the world a taste of Japan? To learn about it, and come to appreciate it and its language. If your friend went off sounding like he already knew everything he wouldn't be OVERqualified...but simply not qualified at all.

Be interested in Japan, and be willing to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of that interest after arrival.

I'm not ragging on your friend at all. I think it's great he knows Japanese and wants to teach over there, but sometimes the answers you are looking for are right in front of you.

外人警報発令中!!!! ヽ(`Д')ノ
My Japanese still sucks. Feel free to correct me! Any constructive criticism is appreciated.((どうも、ナゴナゴさん!!))
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