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02-17-2009, 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
That`s what I consider lenient. Forgetting to signal or crossing the line when you stop is a major mistake.
If I`d forgotten to signal, or crossed the line when stopping they would have ended the test then and there and failed me. 3 of those is pretty much unthinkable.

When I say "minor mistake" I mean something along the lines of not looking far enough to the side before turning, or forgetting to check the lights before you get in the car. (Required, by the way.) Or screwing up the order of the basic engine check.
Wow thats pretty intense i guess that people just need to practice more or go to a Japanese driving school. Either way you have to conform to those countries standards of driving if you cant do that than there is no way you are going to be allowed to drive nor should you. I cant tell you how many times a day i either get cut off or almost hit by foreign drivers a lot of them diplomats lol. Maybe you are right the MVA is to lenient here. btw try driving on the autobaun that will open your eyes.

What the process for getting you license in Japan? Like age and when can you take the test?

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