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SSJup81 (Offline)
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02-18-2009, 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
If you're so dead set on becoming an English teacher in a foreign country then there are plenty of oppurtunities in China, Russia, and South Korea too among others.

Those that are complaining about JET are pretty narrow minded if they think that's their only option to travel.
I wouldn't say narrow-minded, but if someone is literally studying a certain language in hopes of going to said country, makes more sense to me that one would try and go to that country as opposed to others at the moment to actually improve upon the language that he or she has put in so much time studying. That's like my studying five years of Spanish and not going to a Spanish speaking country to improve on it, and going to...Germany instead with no prior knowledge or having even barely a beginner's level in German.
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