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(#91 (permalink))
djevvy (Offline)
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02-18-2009, 08:41 PM

Australia 19th February 2009...

The federal opposition has accused the Rudd Government of waving the white flag over Japanese whaling

The opposition's environment spokesman Greg Hunt says Environment Minister Peter Garrett's comments in a speech to the Lowy Institute in Sydney on Wednesday night indicates the government had "given up" on the issue.

Mr Garrett said while legal action remained an option, the government believed greater progress could be made through diplomatic efforts.

"Our long-term objective remains a complete ban on commercial whaling, including an end to so-called scientific whaling," Mr Garrett said.

Mr Hunt said the remarks showed the government had moved from promising tough court action on eight occasions during the election campaign, to a "vague, long-term hope".

"I would say it's a white flag on whaling and a complete victory for Japan ," Mr Hunt said.

"We're astounded by the speech, it's absolutely clear that they have completely given up on any effective approach to Japanese whaling.

"They have moved from a commitment to stopping Japanese whaling to a very sort of vague long-term hope that they might one day deal with it.

"It will be an extraordinary disappointment for any Australian who is concerned about whaling."
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