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samurai007 (Offline)
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02-19-2009, 08:56 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Thank you for the clarification. That explanation makes 100% sense, samurai. I think the ALTs of our generation (and before) were probably a bit more resilient than the graduates of today. It's funny you should mention the drop-out rate, as someone sent me this article today.

Sadly, this is the state of American college-student thinking today. This goes back to my original "sense of privilege" theory. The thinking of new college graduates today is not that I deserve a job, but that I am OWED a job for graduating. This article gives hints toward that earlier in college careers.

Notice how not one student interviewed thought "performance" was the deciding factor for grades. It's "effort". This is bizarre to me.

Why would you think in the working world that "effort" is worth anything if your performance is s**t? Aren't universities supposed to be training for life and the working world? I can't imagine going to a boss of mine and saying "Well, I spent 10 hours on this, but it turned out like crap...but I really tried hard! That's good enough, right?"
There is far too much liberal political correctness in schools today. Believe it or not, the school I went to (and that the children of some of my friends now attend) don't keep score in PE games anymore. They say that doing so might make those on the losing team feel bad, so all that counts is "effort". Students who excel at something can no longer be recognized or rewarded for it, because it might hurt the feelings of everyone else. They teach the kids all about "self-esteem" and "equality" and "no one is better or smarter or more intelligent than anyone else". They play to the lowest common denominator rather than encourage kids to find a niche they enjoy and develop those skills in order to succeed. This in turn has led to a generation of kids who believe they deserve things just because of who they are, or because they put in "effort". "Effort" was the only thing recognized in school, never achievement anymore, and with all that self-esteem and self-empowerment and liberal indoctrination, they start thinking the world owes them, and things will be smooth and easy if only they put in a modicum of "effort". And if for some reason "effort" does not equal "success", as the OP's friend discovered, then it MUST be because of racism, bigotry, or unfairness of some kind...

JET Program, 1996-98, Wakayama-ken, Hashimoto-shi

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