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bELyVIS (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: Texas
02-19-2009, 05:27 PM

I went to Japan for one reason only- BIG MONEY. Once I got there, it was nothing like I had read about in the books. Basically, aside from the cultural things and the women, it sucked. Long hours (not covered by my contract, they told me since I was a manager I didn't need to work overtime), discrimination against Gaijin at my company and Manshion, difficulty with the language, made it very difficult for me to adjust even though I had lived and worked in other foreign countries before.
To all you kids out there who think Japan is some magical place where you can live your dreams and learn some Eastern secret of life, grow up. Sure, take a trip there and visit. Move there if you think you would like living there. But make sure you know what you are getting into by asking questions and reading all the posts you can find about living in Japan, good and especially the bad. I did and thought I was prepared and still had problems.
I still have a home in Japan. But I won't live there until I retire or can start a business of my own so I won't ever have to work for a Japanese company again.

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