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JF Ossan
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02-21-2009, 02:47 AM

Originally Posted by Jaydelart View Post
Soaking in a pool of soy sauce? That sounds disgusting.
And a lot of people do it. You should just tap a touch of soy sauce. Most Japanese I know put only a small pool of soy sauce in their dish and barely swipe the sushi in the soy sauce when eating. Or else you have just soy sauce flavor, and no sushi flavor (like was said above).

At many of the conveyor belt sushi places you will find both soy sauce and unagi sauce on the tables. I can't count the number of times I have seen people pour unagi sauce, not soy sauce, into their dish (unagi sauce is thicker and much sweeter). Maybe they know what they are doing, and maybe not.

Another time some Asian folks went to my friends restaurant (they weren't Japanese). They order a plate of sushi, and after it was delivered they called the waitress over. "Why is there wasabi in our sushi?!?" they asked, very upset. "That is how sushi is served in Japan, and that's how we serve it here."

"NO!" they insisted. "We ate sushi in Japan, and there was no wasabi inside."

It was a strange exchange.
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