It has been three weeks since I first put
Stackana online, during this period main part of my time was spent on my day job, and the rest on fine tuning Stackana while striving to maintain a healthy work-life balance. I have had feedbacks coming from various aspects, the following enhancement is based one of such requests...
On a system that does not have Japanese font installed, one cannot play Stackana, for it will not display correctly. The enhanced Stackana changes this by streaming Japanese font to user's machine so that kana characters can be displayed. Streaming font also brings another plus point in which the visual of Stackana can be rendered in a more predictable manner.
Illustrated below is the difference between default font (Gothic) and enhanced font (Meiryo):
As can be seen, Meiryo font makes kana characters that much clearer (notice how dakuten markers are more refined).
So head over and try out the
new and enhanced Stackana now!