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(#369 (permalink))
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isisbathory (Offline)
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02-22-2009, 02:12 AM

Originally Posted by Miyavifan View Post
And who's being rude now? I am merely trying to understand where you're coming from.

someone at a different forum mentioned you might be meaning when Bill couldn't perform(sing), cause of his throat. If so, that doesn't make them rude.

anyway... us fans of TH know what they're really like.
I dont say that a person is rude just because she or he is ill, so if I were thinking that they are rude just because bill was ill, then I would being very stupid.
I just didnt liked very much the way that they spoke to the public, and some other stuff that I've already seen.

But this is my opinion, I am not sure if they really are rude or not.
But one thing I can tell you, you fans saying that you know "what they are" or what they act like, its quite stupid because you dont live with them, and you don't know how they act behind the cameras

P.S. did I offended you so much that you needed to take this in another forum? Gosh, being rude or not, I think fanatic people (or "fan" if you prefer), are a bit too much "lunatic" (this is not the right word but I dont remember a better one in english), no one can say anything negative about your idols, or so you will get in "position" and ready to attack...
I've got idols, I especially love Lacrimosa, and I dont really like when people say bad things about them, but I cant say anything, because that person may have a better way of judging music then me, maybe that person has much more studies about music than me, or stuff like that...
I think you musnt take it so "hard", its just someone's opinion...

Last edited by isisbathory : 02-22-2009 at 02:16 AM.
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