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Nyororin (Offline)
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02-22-2009, 04:26 AM

Originally Posted by Kenpachi11 View Post
well alot of ppl dont like their family and want to get the farthest away from them as possible.
And 9 times out of 10... No, make that 99 times out of 100 - it`s for all the wrong, selfish, childish reasons. Of course, if you`re so immature that you`re unable to interpret parents actually caring about you correctly, you`re very unlikely to actually be able to make it around people you don`t really know.

Seriously, I can`t tell you how many thousands of PMs I`ve gotten since joining here from kids who are whining "OMG, I am just like you, I have so many family problems and need to get out of here!!" - and then when I ask exactly what the problem is, it turns out that "My mom won`t let me stay out all night!" Or "My dad wants me to study instead of watching anime!" or the all inclusive "My parents just don`t understand me, and want to manage my life!" ....

I can do nothing but roll my eyes. Only once did I get a message from a girl who was really in a bad family situation (REAL abuse and neglect, not "OMG I am abused because they won`t let me go to a party!" or "I am neglected because they won`t buy me my own pc for my room!")

After having taken in a few people, I really think that it`s not so much that they believe anime is real - virtually no one is that stupid - but instead that Japan is a place where they can pursue their hobbies without interruption. In other words, watch anime, play video games, read manga, etc all day without having to actually worry about real life. It seems that most of the time the biggest reason they want to get away from their families is because they want to do just that, not because they really have a family problem.
Unfortunately, they don`t realize how spoilt they are most of the time until they leave home and realize that maybe having mom nag every once in a while is a small price to pay for not having to actually deal with living alone... And that leaving home doesn`t mean you have less to deal with - but instead that you have 20 times more, and being in Japan instead of your home country doubles that.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.

Last edited by Nyororin : 02-22-2009 at 04:29 AM.
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