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Ff7rockerman (Offline)
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02-22-2009, 04:29 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
And 9 times out of 10... No, make that 99 times out of 100 - it`s for all the wrong, selfish, childish reasons. Of course, if you`re so immature that you`re unable to interpret parents actually caring about you, you`re very unlikely to actually be able to make it around people you don`t really know.

Seriously, I can`t tell you how many thousands of PMs I`ve gotten since joining here from kids who are whining "OMG, I am just like you, I have so many family problems and need to get out of here!!" - and then when I ask exactly what the problem is, it turns out that "My mom won`t let me stay out all night!" Or "My dad wants me to study instead of watching anime!" or the all inclusive "My parents just don`t understand me, and want to manage my life!" ....

I can do nothing but roll my eyes. Only once did I get a message from a girl who was really in a bad family situation (REAL abuse and neglect, not "OMG I am abused because they won`t let me go to a party!" or "I am neglected because they won`t buy me my own pc for my room!")

After having taken in a few people, I really think that it`s not so much that they believe anime is real - virtually no one is that stupid - but instead that Japan is a place where they can pursue their hobbies without interruption. in other words, watch anime, play video games, read manga, etc all day without having to actually worry about real life. It seems that most of the time the biggest reason they want to get away from their families is because they want to do just that, not because they really have a family problem.
i know its a joke

edit : also nyororin if your from japan you would know how Japanese people act around foreigners they don't accept you very easy.. especially compared to the us if people can think they can just escape to japan and life will be easy from there on they basically made there life harder considering you would need to know the language and also being alone getting a job by your self there would be pretty much impossible were are you going to live on the streets lol?

anyway kenpachi as i was saying in japan you cant really get in trouble for being racist its alot different from america maby if somone was being racist to a japanese person that might be but im not quite sure on that

oh ya i forgot to add this earlier if people don't like there family how does it make it a solution to move to a different country rather then move in with other family members such as ones that you are related to doesn't have to be the family you are with now

its always sunny in Philadelphia best show ever ^^

Last edited by Ff7rockerman : 02-22-2009 at 04:39 AM.
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