Originally Posted by Sinestra
Certain states are harsher than others. I live in Maryland and holy crap are they strict. None of this 50% or 60% crap it pretty much 85-90% 3 mistakes like forgetting to single will fail you. If you cross the white line at a stop sign you fail. Its not as easy to get a license here as it use to be they watch for everything now. Not to mention once you get your license its not a full one you have provisional you cant drive at midnight, you cant have more than 1 person in your age group in the car for the first 3 months and no using your cell phone at all.
Wow, that's a LOT stricter than Alabama...my sis took it last year (in october 2007...so not really last yr but yr before) and got it first try....they usually make everyone parallel park and such but they didn't make her do that, they didn't take her to any crowded roads or anything. (Which is surprisin cus all my friends had to go close to highways)
But then again...she took hers in cullman and they are pretty leniant there...you can get by goin 70 in a 45 zone with cops passin you