Originally Posted by Payne222
Wow, that's a real a**hole thing to say...
Anyways, I used to wanna live in Japan and stuff
up until the year or two. Then through research online
(and being on here), I realized that it was just the
idea of Japan I liked and in reality, I couldn't do it.
I liked the idea of all the manga and how the Japanese
are portrayed through media. But you have to come to a
realization of how it really is in Japan. I realized that it just
wasn't me and I'd be happier here in Chicago, with my family
and friends. It also showed me how different European cultures
like German (which I'm studying) and Asian ones such as Japanese
(which I used to study) are. And in all honesty...European is for me.
No offense to anyone of course.
Did that make any sense....?
It'll make complete sense when someone comes along and tells you Europe is nothing like you're studying at all, and in reality isn't much different from where you are at the moment. Thus completing the circle and starting again with something else