02-22-2009, 09:25 PM
I should so show this to a classmate of mine...
I want to go to Japan because, living in a diverse area, interacting with Japanese culture, people, language, and such has captivated me.
It's not at all about the anime/manga.
However. It'll be very difficult for me, I expect- but I assume so because I almost ruined my high school career, and until this recent semester as a senior year, i have never gotten above a 1.7. (this past semester 2.07. Dx)
Needless to say, I have to get my bloody nose to the grindstone. I have to basically excel, or attempt to in city college before I make any more plans of leaving this city, let alone the country. I need to straighten up before I could make a respectable living anywhere- so I'm looking around for good programs to use.
Japan is just my choice because I loved it too long not to consider it.
And I'm sorry if people may think this sounds idiotic, but I feel more at peace around Japanese people. (Oh god that does sound idiotic)
I want to get a decent job, but looking at some posts, I wonder if I'll be looked down upon because I still would want to work even if I got married and had a kid.
People look down on me in my hometown and accuse me of only wanting to date japanese guys. And yes, while my boyfriend is from tokyo, and I have an ex from Kyusyu, I get tired of that assumption. I fell for these guys because they're the different kinds of guys, personality wise, that I would love to be with. (not to mention when I was four, swedish guys were the thing, xDDD)
If I ended up getting married while in Japan, I wouldn't expect them to move here with me automatically, just because. I hate that some guys/girls who only want to date/marry asians do that. It's compromise, and who knows, you guys may end up in Egypt for all we know!
My classmate is different. He's planning to drop out, brags about knowing japanese words, (when he yells at me on the side when I use it with my friends and tells me I should speak english...) and says he is going to end up "drifting" in tokyo because "his cousin lives there and will take care of him."
Sounds like a match any girl would die for, doesn't he? ;]
All sarcasm set aside- in actuality, we're sort of friends, he puts me down when I try saying that Japan isn't what he thinks it's like, and says I know nothing. Sure, neither of us been there, but still...
Coffee prevents me from killing you.