Originally Posted by SceptileMaster
I've been learning about verbs in japanese as of recently and I have a book on verbs and grammer. The problem for me is that it's all in romaji. I want to get used to seeing things in japanese writing so I made the table on verb bases again on my computer but in hiragana.
Just to see if I've japanified it correctly could someone who knows japanese check over it quickly for me. Thanks in advance for any help, here's the link.
Looks good. However, I would stick to Japanese Grammar for Japanese Learners (Type I, Type II verbs) rather than Japanese Grammar for Japanese (Godan, KamiIchidan, ShimoIchidan, Sagyohenkaku, Kagyohenkaku). It will be more confusing for you.
Also it should be Godan verbs, not Yodan. Yodan verbs does exist but they are strictly classic Japanese only.