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02-25-2009, 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by komitsuki View Post
Good for Japan. America isn't really a reliable partner anyways when LDP in Japan is doing misleading stuffs for years. It's time for Japan to slowly ignore America, shut down all American bases for the interest of the Japanese people.

Japan should be better friends with Russia and China instead.
I wonder if you know the meaning of GLOBAL ECONOMY. It wouldn't do Japan any good to ignore American nor could they its not that easy. Im not even touching your shutting down bases comments for that will cause a flame war of epic proportions which im not in the mood to get into right now. Dont think changing economic polices that have been well established for decades is as easy as changing jobs you will find yourself disappointed.

In the end China, The US and Japan have to work together on some common ground to balance things out or it doesn't matter who is aligned with who they will all fail. In this day and age no country can stand alone. I dont have anything against China i dont live there so i cant comment with accuracy about the situation there. What i would like to see is the US, China and Japan cooperate on economic matters and for the US and Russia to have better ties. Its in the best interest for us all if we work together that would be nice but the reality of the world is far different then the one i have in my head.

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