Originally Posted by Sinestra
I wonder if you know the meaning of GLOBAL ECONOMY. It wouldn't do Japan any good to ignore American nor could they its not that easy. Im not even touching your shutting down bases comments for that will cause a flame war of epic proportions which im not in the mood to get into right now. Dont think changing economic polices that have been well established for decades is as easy as changing jobs you will find yourself disappointed.
That's the business level. I'm talking about the political level. And not all countries' friendly relationships are equal.
Even there are many countries in the world whose public or government don't like America and still willing to trade with America. After all, (petro)dollar doesn't know any boundary and America has the opportunity to do anything to do business with other unfriendly countries in a passive way.
But at least Japan is doing a very good job of unintentionally breaking Japan-American friendship. Of course it's from the ongoing self-collapse of a very USA-friendly party called LDP.
I don't mean to offend proud America, but since I used to live in South Korea for a long time I do have a cynical attitudes towards America.