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MGS 4: Guns of the Patriots - 02-25-2009, 11:41 PM

Alright, so I bought MGS4 and I have to say I wasn't too impressed with the story.
I mean, Kojima changed so much. What the hell man?
He took out the voice of Liquid with Ocelots regular voice.
And that fit the transformation so well!

Then there were the Beast bosses...that clearly shows off Kojima as a complete and shameless pervert. Bad move Kojima, bad.
The bosses from MGS and MGS2 were pure masterpieces. But THESE were the works of a clear pervert.
And even the game itself is no longer a stealth game as it used to be. It was more along the lines of a shooter. Like Gears of War. Sad.

And many more problems.

On the plus side, we find out a lot about the patriots and the origins of the some of the characters from MGS3.

And then...there was the secret ending. :O
For those who don't know, go buy MGS4 and find out. -points to store-

"He is both the Tiger and the Dragon."
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