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Sinestra (Offline)
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02-26-2009, 12:01 AM

I dont think its really that complicated maybe it is in your head and in these situations more often than not the person in question causes them self more mental headaches than the actually situation. There is no formula or secret methods everyone is different so using one persons success story wont really work for you.

Dont over think it just be yourself and talk to the guy. If he didnt have somewhat of an interest in you he would not hang out with you so often. Continue to build on the hobbies and interest you have discovered you both have and move from there, using your friendship as a stepping stone is a great start. There is no rush things dont have to happen tomorrow spending time together and having conversations is your best ally. Unless he is a real dunce he will start to notice you like him through body language and just in general.

good luck to you.

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