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(#71 (permalink))
kirakira (Offline)
Posts: 350
Join Date: Jan 2009
02-26-2009, 01:30 AM

Originally Posted by fluffy0000 View Post
Pls. try harder to blame someone else for Japans economic policy of manufactering TV's and Cars when people had stopped buying these.
Well as far as I can tell none of the Japanese car manufacturers have come to the government and asking for handouts on the private jet yet.

Subprime loan snowballed into a global demand collapse, Japanese investors paniced and withdrew from overseas market, jacking up the yen sky high which effectively screwed Japan's export industry.

If Japan had any clue, they should have take some measures to prevent the currency from appreciating at the rate it did. But of course, let the market decide right? US policy, just ask the Carter administration back in the 70s
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