Originally Posted by fluffy0000
The BofJ ( Bank of Japan ) has experienced recession before without benefit
of US economic policy failures pls. it's finger pointing and blame someone else
for failed economic policy that Japan has used before during 'Lost Decade' 1991-2001 recession that some would argue never ended. Using the US subprime market failure does not explain why Japans GDP in 2008 is devoted to the manufacter of cars and TV's nobody is buying?
Dude, what are you on about, the Japanaese GDP actually grew (2-3%) during the past few years mainly thanks to a new economic relationship with China.
If you are talking about crap cars that nobody buys, look no further than GM, Ford and Chrysler. Still producing gas guzzlers when oil was $150 a barrel.
What do when a business is producing crap that nobody wants? Give it handout so it can produce more of the same garbage of cause!
Well done. Is it any surprised that GM has came back for MORE. The audacity!