Originally Posted by werkz
I too am a mix of different nationalities, but as of a few days ago more than i thought. My mother is Korean and my father is Mexican so its a strange mix of the bat already. I was having a conversation with my mother a few days ago about my family's ancestry. Turns out that i am also part Japanese and possibly Chinese. It blew my mind to find this out. She said that this happened to our family when Korea was under Japanese rule. I guess that this may have happened a lot during this time but i am not sure about that history ( It has sparked my interest on that subject though).
I wonder how people of mixed nationalities are accepted in Japanese society.
Interesting... My Caucasian ancestry hails from many parts of Europe... but I personally don't claim my Irish/Welsh/English/Scottish/Norweigen/French Swiss ancestry because we're talking so long ago that it's irrelevant. Instead I identify my Caucasian side as Pakeha (White New Zealander, usually descended from British but sometimes Dutch or other European nations) I mean I might as well claim my African ancestry since I'm human. But yeah it is interesting to learn about your geneology.
As for people of mixed nationalities in Japan. I imagine that it's tolerated.
( I think you mean ethnicities, nations are something you are a part of based on what connection you have to it not part of what make up you as a whole, therefore you can have 2 or more nationalities but are 1/2 1/4 1/8 etc when it comes to ethnicity )