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Sinestra (Offline)
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02-27-2009, 03:48 AM

Honestly at this point im worried about not just my own country the US but many others as well. As much as many nations talk about working together it never seems to fully come to fruition. I myself in and around DC have see many changes in Americans which is a positive sign but as much as i hope for normal Americans to learn certain lessons our politican who make policy are another matter. The same can be said for many other nations.

Ironically global warming which is considered a bad thing will be to Russias advantage as the ice caps melt and open up previously inaccessible natural gas and oil sites. If Russia keeps raising taxes on every foreign thing that comes in the country people wont buy as much therefore place like Japan wont export as much and will see a new place to do so.

American and Russian ties are starting to warm a little which is better than nothing. With some real sit down politics and leaders who know what the hell they are doing i feel some real progress could be made.

4 countries i would love see work together are

But the US also needs to start paying attention to South America again they are vital as well. Despite what some think i do not think Americas best days are behind her Americans do learn from their mistakes and we do when we are unhappy with politicians we do what every American has the right to do we vote their busted asses out of office. I have high not unrealistic hopes that this new administration will work as equals with Japan which is what the leader of DJP stated in the article

Last edited by Sinestra : 02-27-2009 at 03:51 AM.
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