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YukisUke (Offline)
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02-27-2009, 03:51 AM

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
First calm down man
Im sorry if you think im picking on you because im not and that was not my intention. I was just stating that this cycle has been around since the dawn of empires its the way of the world. The largest fish in the pond is always considered bully but that bully does not always stay on top and sometimes there are more than 1 bully.

I never even stated that you were wrong about some of your statements. Except the fact that you mention the bombings in WWII in retrospect to the situation that we are facing today you never stated clearly why you think that way.

The truth has 2 sides my friend try thinking outside the box and i dont mean as a citizen of a country i mean as a memeber of the human race. Your opinion is more than welcome if it was not i would not even have bothered to quote your post. If you cant take a friendly debate or some critisim to your own statements then im sorry but this is a discussion when you post expect others to reply to your statements.

To quote one more of your statements "look at all the things weve done to other countries". Yea we have done some shitty things to other countries and to our own people. Name a country in the world that does not have some type of sorid past when dealing with other nations. I will give you a recent example go look at some current events involving China and Africa that get glanced over because people are more focused on Tibet (not to pick on China) like i said think outside the box man.

Once again I apologize if you thought i was picking on you i really was not.
Apology accepted. But you don't have to apologize; i do. I'm the one that got carried away with this thread. My bad. You're right in more ways than one. I should try and see other sides of this jumbled equation.
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