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(#149 (permalink))
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loveskyliemole (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 413
Join Date: May 2008
Thank you everyone! - 02-27-2009, 08:43 AM

Thank you everyone who visited this thread and left your messages or pm me and also sending us your snail letters.

Every one of our students found their penfriends now.

We replied to all, we sent our thank you postcards,
I hope you got it by now.

Now we are looking forward to meeting our penfriends in Japan!
Some of them are actually visiting us soon!! yeah! exciting!

We are still looking for "pen"friends who are actually coming to Japan this year,so that we can meet each other and that will be a lot of fun!

If you want to come to Japan, but you are not ready to actually do it yet... then we are sorry but we won't be able to exchange letters with you. Please try again when you get a visa and an airplane ticket in your hand!

We will be looking forward to meeting you in Japan!!

Have a great day everyone!

kylie Mole Rules I miss her !!!!

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