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(#2 (permalink))
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Gwen_Goth (Offline)
Posts: 478
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Swansea, Wales
11-08-2006, 11:46 PM

Ok, more pics - and nicer ones at that ^^

this post is gonna be from last year too :
The brief was to come up with 6 designs as an advertising compain for an art supplies company; each piece ha dto be strong on its own, but also work in a seiries; each piece had to be made using a different medium; there were 5 mediums we had to use and then one of our own choice - the mediums were -
Oil Paint
Colour Pencils
Pastels (soft[chalk])
the medium i chose was Paper, specificly Handmade papers.

the final pieces had to be the same dimensions as an A6 postcard; they could be larger - but had to be in the same proportions so they could be scaled down easily. the majority of my final pieces were A3 size.

i had a lot of trouble coming up with ideas for this project but after i came back from my lil trip to japan i decided to do it based on Maiko, using the kimono i bought as reference.

the first
Watercolour on waterboard - possibly my favorite cos it worked so well

2nd: acrylic on MDF (cos im a student and poor)

3rd: Oil on MDF - my least fave, artly because i learnt 2 things while doing this one:
- i dont like Oil paint, it doesnt like me
- i cant draw faces, lest paint them
- turpintine in a enclosed space makes everything fuzzy and bright (hence why the colours are off )

4th: Colour Pencils on board - it would have been soo good, if not for the fact i used watercolour pencils, and it got wet... and smudged
hence heavey and crap photoshopping
i can only be thannkful only the background was messed...

5th : Pastels
i liked this one, except for like the turps, fix spray has the same effect on me...

6th : Paper
last but not least - this one gave me the most grief. it was made in two parts; the fan and the rest of it. all hand made, badly put together in photoshop at uni (I HATE Macs)

thats it for now, will possibly post more when i get bored of my all-nighter tonight ^^

-~Moddess ~-

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Last edited by Gwen_Goth : 12-05-2006 at 12:34 AM.
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