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(#4 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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02-27-2009, 11:01 PM

Don't listen to Sangetsu. He's wrong.

It would be katakanized as アニマトロニックパンダズ.

アニマトロニック - Google Search for "animatronic"

The answer Sangetsu gave sounds more like Animatrohnic Ponn Dass.

Typically the English plural marker -s as a post-vowel affix is katakanized as ズ, not ス. After consonants, it would be ス. This is because in English, the -s after a vowel is a voiced consonant, while after a consonant it is an unvoiced consonant.

And technically, the ッ in my katakanization is optional, as the Disney creation Audio-Animatronics is written without the ッ.

And you could put a ザ before it all for "the" if you wanted to. However, I read a journal article recently discussing how in movie titles, the ザ is only included if the film is going to be some dark detective drama or a gritty horror piece or something.

So if the band is punk or goth, the ザ at the beginning might actually be appropriate.
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