02-28-2009, 03:31 AM
If you have the JLPT1 under your belt, you should be able to study for the 簿記 certification (which is what you`ll be wanting to get unless you plan to go into some specific field of accounting like 税務 - you`ll need 税務会計 for that) without much difficulty. My husband has the certification (he got it just for the fun of it, apparently), and there isn`t much of any 専門用語 involved. What little there is would definitely be within the level of something you`d pick up naturally while studying for the thing.
It`s a fairly popular certification to get, as pretty much every company out there has a use for it... There are even study tools for it out on the DS.
I can`t judge what the market would be for a foreign accountant - but it could definitely be in your favor if the company wants someone who could, for example, both help with translation/international dealing on one hand while doing accounting inside when that sort of thing isn`t active.
Good luck!
If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.