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noodle (Offline)
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02-28-2009, 03:05 PM

Originally Posted by minimin View Post
Yikes those are alot of words, and alot of them make sense but shes not in Northern Africa, nor trying to make a move on a N.African man. So maybe what I was saying applies to countries less strict and flooded with television. Hmm so your saying that (being DIFFERENT) applies to all Japanese men?? Your telling me there all the same none can be influenced by N.America or Europe not even alittle. I think thats crazy, alot of men like different things, I did say that no???
... Japan isn't N.Africa, and it isn't Europe or N.America either. As for the Strict and TV remark, I'll just take it as you have no idea what N.Africa is like. Most people that can afford a home with electricity probably have more channels than any of us westernised ppl. If you just check an apartment block in any north African country, you'll probably see more satelite dishes than there are apartments. As for strictness... It has nothing to do with it being strict. You will not be arrested for behaving like a westerner. You will simply be looked down upon by others because of their Culture!

As for your last part. I'm not exactly sure what you're asking or what you think I said. To put it in simple terms. Yes, everyone is different, but ppl from the same culture are likely to have some similarities. Therefore, someone asking about how a Japanese man would react to something isn't a silly question.
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