Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Big deal. The North Koreans call themselves the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea.
Tibet is hardly autonomous. They had Chinese law imposed upon them since China invaded in the 1950's.
Today's democracy is so crony. And it's Democratic People's Republic of Korea (don't put North). Are you sure you know what you are talking about? I'm afraid that you don't and it makes me nervous.
Though you're ignoring the Qing interventions? That's a faux paux you have...
As a descendant of a minority in China living in the West, I sadly have to disagree with your fanatic devotion of the Free Tibet cult.

Other than Dalai Lama is likely a CIA agent.
The CIA's Secret War in Tibet
Originally Posted by kirakira
Ronin, it is much more complicated that that. However you spin it, tibet is part of China, that is not negotiable to China for a good reason. China is a multicultural country. There are 56 ethnicities. If ethnicity is what defines a country, then China will break up into 56 bits. You think anyone would allow that to happen? Fat chance. This debate is mute.
By his logic, there must be a newly independent Maori state. Or total isolation of Maori as a fully nation without any intervention of the New Zealand government 100%.
Originally Posted by kirakira
As for west caring about Tibet, thats just bs. Tibet problem? what problem. Hillary Clinton didn't seem to give a flying f*** about Tibet, as long as China can buy more US treasury bills. In the real world, money talks, b******* walks.
And this is why some people say that America is turning into an ironic Chinese colony.