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taimoorh (Offline)
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Location: Dubai
Isn't teaching hard? - 03-02-2009, 09:35 AM

I have often seen job listings on various sites stating their requirements for English teachers. Whilst the teacher must be a graduate and native English speaker, most of these listings require little to no level of Japanese required.

How would a person teach Kindergarten or Junior school (even High school?) students any English when he/she themselves are having a problem trying to understand what the children are saying.

I haven't taught before so don't know how easy/ difficult it is to teach young children. Perhaps it's easy because they are still more open to new ideas then adults who are so ingrained in Japanese that learning English would be hard for them? Like learning Japanese for me (@23) will be really hard

My personal exposure to Japanese language has been only thorough animes. Whilst I can grasp a few basic words here and there, conversing in Japanese is out of the question.

tl:dr - isn't it impossible to teach English without knowing a little bit of Japanese? Or is it easy to teach young children?

I'm asking this as I would like to do it for maybe a year or something and take some time off from my real profession.
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