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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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03-02-2009, 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by kirakira View Post
Democracy is only one of many means to prosperity... which is bread and circus lol. See there is a common theme in my posts.

My main argument is democracy doesn't always lead to properity, in fact it is the opposite, prosperity will eventually lay the groundworks for democracy to function. Look at the majority of African puppet democracies and India, oh how could I forget Iraq.
Democracy is the only way to freedom though. In fact in my eyes... prosperity includes freedom and rights. Anyway it's irrelevant to anything I'm saying. You brought that up and it's a lame tangent too. You can't justify oppressing a nation because you think "it's for their own good".

Originally Posted by kirakira View Post
As for Tibet, since they were part of Yuan dynasty back 700 years ago or whenever it is, longer than the history of NZ no doubt, opinions of the west will fall on deaf ears within China.
Again... irrelevant. What matters is the most recent history and Tibet's self-determination. We've covered this... I don't want to go round in circles with you.

Originally Posted by kirakira View Post
No doubt China is no superpower, it's economy is still only the 3rd largest, but with such a high savings rate, and a massive government surplus, it's looking a lot healther (relatively) than the friends across the globe. It can rely on internal consumption to bail them out.

The US at least has no say thanks to their massive unserviceable national debt so don't count on them in voicing any opinion to China in any capacity (especially now that China is their biggest creditor).
Whatever... time will tell whether there is any truth to your soothsaying.

Though I think it is interesting the effect continued globalisation will have on China. I really don't think China, or anyone will be immune to outside influences in the future.

But whatever... time will tell.

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 03-02-2009 at 12:24 PM.
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