Originally Posted by Starairi
Hm... I wonder if I'm ignored only because I'm new to this forum, or is it something else...
I appreciate your posts
No, but seriously... You're right about the cutting thing. This whole thread is a desperate cry for attention, so that's why nobody is replying to your ideas... Because they're too selfish and worried about what people will say about their terrible lives.
Originally Posted by Tenchu
Actually, I experienced something odd a month or so back. I was having a fight with my wife that had been on going for quite some time. There was a neatly stacked pile of empty beer bottles on the floor. My wife thought it would help better her point if she picked up a beer bottle and smashed it on the apartment floor... so I thought it'd help better my point if I drove my foot through the entire stack!
Bare foot, I am sure you can imagine there was some bruising and a few small cuts. Hurt quite a bit.
For the first time ever, the self inflicted pain actually made me feel really good. It seemed to relieve a lot of tension and stress, and made me feel a lot better.
Of course, playing soccer with beer bottles to prove a point to your wife is a lot different than cutting yourself with knives. The actual idea of self inflicting pain upon yourself in such manners seems a pointer that you need some help, if you ask me.
... Man, every one of your posts freaks me the hell out... though you make a valid point