Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Terrible comparison. Gender has a fundamental, undeniable biological basis.
Race does not.
So... An infant of one race, removed from that group and raised by another, will somehow lose the traits that we refer to as "race"?
That would make it a social construct.
The construct of race goes beyond the traits. It is used to establish identity and has political ramifications.
But I am ONLY talking about the difference in appearance that has been labeled via the word race.
Ronin - you`re wanting to fight about this, and are interpreting my words in a way that fits into what you THINK someone would want to say about race. Which isn`t the case. I`m actually very close to agreeing with you, and only wanted to clear up the
LACK OF GENETIC DISTINCTION between dog breeds - which does indeed make it similar to the human race concept. You`re taking offense at the word "race" - would it sound better if I used "groups of humans who share the same traits in appearance"? Because that is what I am trying to say it is - just as dog breeds are no more than human names for sets of traits in appearance.