Thread: Race Discussion
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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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03-03-2009, 08:26 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post

But I am ONLY talking about the difference in appearance that has been labeled via the word race.


Ronin - you`re wanting to fight about this, and are interpreting my words in a way that fits into what you THINK someone would want to say about race. Which isn`t the case. I`m actually very close to agreeing with you, and only wanted to clear up the LACK OF GENETIC DISTINCTION between dog breeds - which does indeed make it similar to the human race concept. You`re taking offense at the word "race" - would it sound better if I used "groups of humans who share the same traits in appearance"? Because that is what I am trying to say it is - just as dog breeds are no more than human names for sets of traits in appearance.
Fair enough... perhaps I'm misinformed about the dogs... I was certain I read it somewhere.