Originally Posted by Alastor
You definitely should try it out, but there are a few things to think about before playing the game:
1. Don't mind the voice-acting. I know it sounds annoying, but you'll kind of get used to it. Don't let it get to you either, because the story is awesome and gets better as you progress.
2. Have an interest for Japanese history and culture. I say you'll appreciate this game much more if you're interested in Japanese culture or foreign cultures generally, rather than being "just" an anime/manga lover. Since Japanese mythology and folklore have served as inspiration for the game setting, having an interest in that sort of thing helps. The manual contains lots of neat stuff, such as what many of the Japanese characters used in the game means, and there's a section in the manual that tells you about some of the myths and stories that exist in Japanese culture and that the game has taken inspiration from.
3. Patience is a virtue. This game is LONG. I remember when I first played it and stopped after 20 hours, and I was like, 1/3 or 1/4 through the entire game or something. I then stopped playing but then started a new game some year later, and by then my completion time was 60 hours. I'd say this game is probably bigger than any Zelda game you've come across, and it lasts almost as long as your average Final Fantasy, bar the tedious grinding and levelling and all that.
2: I have

At least I want to learn more about japanese culture.
3: I love long games:P It anoys me that some time when I find a new game that looks really cool, its almost always to short:P sometimes i even get the thought that it was waist of money:P well i hope i find the game in my country though:/