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03-04-2009, 12:49 AM

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
So basically places didnt want to lose profit because lots of people would wait till the items were marked down before buying them? Convient stores dont do it because its stepping into the same pound as the grocery stores.
I don`t know whether that had anything to do with wider policy - it was just what the store manager at that one particular store said. When they had, in the past, offered discounted food - there was an issue with people putting food in the back in order to hopefully buy it when discounted... Which in turn created an issue of the stores not detecting food that was very close to expiring. That reflects back on the store, so they simply did not do the discounting and the problem was solved.

Their solution was to create an illusion of an artifical shortage on some items forcing people to buy when the price was high at a fixed rate. Is this basically it?
I don`t know the entire reasoning for the government`s actions, but I imagine that is the case - buy up so much of a crop and then request that it be left as is and not sold... Or haul it to the local JA and let them dispose of it.

It sounds similar to some price fixing here in the US i find it at least twice a week when i go into a grocery store to buy something thats marked down but the words are written to be misleading and when you get to the counter thats when your hit with the full price and length discussion about why you cant get the discount. They hope that you will get annoyed and just buy it out of frustation since you need the item.
That doesn`t sound similar at all to me. That is just misleading advertising.

I was talking about two completely different cases. One, the actions of convenience stores - and two, produce price fixing by the government. They`re not connected... I was just saying that if the government wants to complain about some company wasting food, they need to take a good look at their own price fixing actions.

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